Batch Image Resizer is a powerful yet handy image optimizer and resizer tool. You can import any jpg, bmp, tiff, png, gif, wmf or emf image, resize it using custom dimensions, rotate, flip or crop if desired using quick and easy tools. Batch Image Resizer allows you to import multiple images to the image list at once. You can change the width and height of the image independently using a slide bar. Image preview makes the resizing process easier and precise.
Batch Image Resizer is not like other complicated image optimizers that will confuse you about their tools and buttons. Just import an image, adjust settings like rotate, crop or flip, specify folder to save the processed image and that's all. Few more features of this tool are its 7 Built-in Interpolation Modes: Low, High, Bilinear, Bicubic, Nearest Neighbor, HQ Bilinear, and HQ Bicubic and free rotation of images that are hardly found in handy imaging tools. You can also change the resolution of the image by resampling (changing the dpi).
Simply, Batch Image Resizer can be a better answer for your image optimization and resizing.